
Dachshunds require socialization at an early age, to prevent them from being wary of human strangers and fearful. They should also be taught early on about inappropriate barking and taught not to jump, since this can be dangerous for their spines.

Dachshunds require a large amount of interaction. If they become bored, they can be destructive, so it's important to keep them entertained when you can, and to keep them confined when you can't. Bored Dachshunds have also been known to become aggressive. Socialization is important and as is obedience training, since some Dachshunds are very willful. They can also be quite demanding if spoiled. Once trained, they are very loyal and loving to their owners. They can be protective to a fault; they know no fear and will go into battle with any animal they perceive as a threat, regardless of its size.

Because Dachshunds are small, compact dogs, they can live virtually anywhere. This makes them ideal for both city and country life. They are perfect for apartments, and happily make their home wherever their owner chooses to live. However, even though they do well in apartments and small spaces, the Dachshund still requires plenty of exercise. He should be taken out at least twice a day for a good 10-20 minute walk, on top of the additional playtime or exercise he receives indoors. Keep in mind that the Dachshund is a breed that is prone to obesity, so it doesn’t take much for the dog to become overweight.


Dachshund are extremely playful dog



Dachshunds are extremely playful, and will love a good game of fetch, hide and seek or chase with their owners and with other pets in the home, so long as they are properly socialized with each other. They are prone to chasing small animals and birds when they are outside. For this reason, it's important not to let your dog off his leash in an uncontained area. He may become focused on chasing a bird and run away.

This is not a good breed of puppy to bring into the home if you have small children. However, an adult Dachshund who acquires children will usually do quite well with them, as long as they are properly introduced. Particularly in the case of Miniature Dachshunds, however, children should always be taught how to handle them, since they are somewhat fragile, simply due to their size.
Health Problems

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Many Dachshund breeders create a questionnaire they would like interested buyers to fill out. The point of the questionnaire is to allow breeders the chance to get to know your experience and personal interest in relation to owning a Dachshund. If there is a questionnaire, before you fill it out, make sure the information you will be providing will not be released to third parties. If you don’t feel comfortable filling out a personal questionnaire online, contact the breeder directly.

Seemingly most dachshunds do not like unfamiliar people, and many will growl or bark in response. Although the dachshund is generally an energetic dog, some are laid back. Due to this dog's behavior, it is not the dog for everyone. A bored dachshund will become destructive. If raised improperly, dachshunds can become aggressive or fearful. They require a caring owner that understands their need to have entertainment and exercise. Some may not be good with children, and they may bite an unfamiliar child. Others are tolerant and loyal to children within their family, but these children should be mindful of the breed's back and not carry them around roughly.

One of the most important things to remember when communicating with your Dachshund is consistency. If you praise your Dachshund for obeying your command one day and then ignore her for obeying your command the next day, she won’t get it. If you refuse to let her on your bed one day and then let her on your bed the next day, she won’t get that, either. Make the rules and stick to
them. If you must change them, keep them changed. Dachshunds don’t understand waffling.

Take advantage of your Dachshund’s showy side and make a big deal out of good behavior. The best way to discourage bad behavior is to completely ignore it. Your performer wants to be center stage and hates being ignored even more than being yelled at, so take advantage of this trait.

A 2008 University of Pennsylvania study of 6,000 dog owners who were interviewed indicated that smaller breed dogs were more likely to be “genetically predisposed towards aggressive behavior.” Dachshunds were rated the most aggressive, with 20% having bitten strangers, as well as high rates of attacks on other dogs and their owners. Attacks by small dogs were unlike.

Dachsies manipulate
Dogs need certain things, like food, shelter, warmth, and companionship. They also desire certain things, like more food, more warmth, and a whole lotta companionship. Dogs don’t like other things, like hunger, standing out in the rain, or being ignored. They’re social animals, domesticated to enjoy the good life and oh, how they love suppertime.

Your Dachshund will soon discover whether a cute expression accompanied by a slightly cocked head will melt your heart and cause you to toss another gourmet dog cookie in his direction. If you’re not careful, he’ll come to learn that barking, nipping, whining, or jumping results in treats and attention. (To a Dachshund, even negative attention like yelling is better than being ignored.)

Dachshund will do whatever he can to get more of what he wants and less of what he doesn’t want. Any creature does this (even you). Some are simply more effective in their techniques than others. Your Dachshund will soon learn all on his own what behaviors encourage you to hand over the goods (treats, kind words, snuggles) and what behaviors cause you to go off the deep end or purposefully ignore him.